Graduation Requirements
Getting your high school diploma online from iForward means you can go anywhere. Whether your future path leads to a college education, a trade school, or something else, the education you'll receive here will prepare you to chase your dreams - you just get to do it online! To graduate, each student will need to earn a minimum of 22 credits throughout their high school career, with at least 3 credits earned from iForward.
Course Catalog
Essentials. iForward has a well-rounded curriculum. Our core courses help students nail the essentials of language, math, the sciences, and social studies, while improving skills like reading comprehension and problem solving.
Exceptional Electives. iForward's course catalog is filled with unique offerings that allow each of our online learners to personalize their education, pursue their interests, and uncover new passions.
Dual Credit Courses. iForward students have the ability to earn both high school and college credit through advanced placement courses taught by iForward instructors and through the Early College Credit Program and Start College Now.

"This school is amazing. My son did a complete turnaround. These teachers have patience and actually take the time to make sure students needs are met - thank you iForward staff for being wonderful!!"
--Debbie, parent of iForward student
Our Teaching Staff

iForward teachers are highly qualified, passionate educators. Each of our teachers are carefully selected and licensed to teach in Wisconsin.
Our instructors lead classes only in their area of expertise.
We are providing the highest standard of education you will find, online or off, because our students deserve it.