My name is Señora (Mrs.) Heather Keane, and I'm so excited to be teaching another year at iForward. I know this year is going to be the best one yet!
¡Vamos! (Let's go!)
I live in the beautiful Coulee Driftless Region near La Crosse with my family, dog, and cat! One of the coolest things about me is that I'm a farm-her! I own a small herd of Jersey cows and operate our family farm with my brother.
Here are a few of mis cosas favoritas (my favorite things):
Los Colores-bright yellow, hot pink, & turquoise
La Comida-Mexican & Italian
El Programa de Televisión-Gilmore Girls
Las Estaciones-Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall...Me gustan todas (I LOVE THEM ALL)
Los Animales-Las Vacas (cows)...actually, ALL farm animals
Teaching is mi pasión (my passion); I love to have fun in the classroom while learning! I'm looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you and learning all of sus cosas favoritas (your favorite things)!
Señora Heather Keane, B.A, Spanish, English as a Second Language
iForward Wisconsin Spanish Teacher
Grantsburg School District
(715) 431-1155
"Students Matter at iForward