Hello my name is Julie Burns, School Counselor at iForward. I enjoy working with a variety of students and helping them find their success in education.
Personally, I earned by Bachelor's Degree through UW La Crosse and my Master's Degree in Guidance through UW Stout. Currently, I live in a small town in north-central Wisconsin with my husband Tom. I have a son (Marc) and a daughter (Sam). I enjoy bike riding, especially century rides, watching the Packers and the Vikings. I have two pets. Brody big baby mix and a black cat named Zaza. My family and I boat in the summer then snowmobile or ski in the winter.
Please five me a call to discuss your courses, school and career plans. I look forward to talking with you and helping in any way that I can. I think this is going to be a FUN tastic year with wonderful school staff to help you. I hope this becomes your best year yet!
Guidance Counselor at iForward Schools
julie.burns [at] iForwardWisconsin.com (julie[dot]burns[at]iForwardWisconsin[dot]com)
(715) 431-1987
Grades 7th, 8th and 9th